The Return of Sarutobi the movie (Part 2)

  • by Brian Milam

1.OPENING IMAGE (P. 1): BRIAN,26, and his girlfriend JESSICA,24, both English Teachers in Japan, vacation in Thailand. They drink heavily, eat weed brownies, sit on a hammock outside of a beach bungalow restaurant and share a cup of Opium Tea for the first time.

2.OPENING HOOK (P. 5): Brian and Jessica make love in their bungalow when Brianโ€™s left side of his brain blacks out and his mouth becomes super dry. His soul leaves his body and TENGU (JABBAWOCKEEZ) carry it away into the moonlight. He realizes he is now possessed and his tongue rolls into the back of his throat.

3.INCITING INCIDENT/CATALYST (P. 10): Brian and Jessica return to Okayama City, Japan. Since he took the tea, his motor skills and speech are much slower. It is difficult to form thoughts and sentences. He is able to perform at a minimal level as an Assistant Language Teacher at Saidaiji Junior High School and puts on a faรงade.ย 

4.BIG DEBATE PART 1 (P. 10-17): Brian has vivid dreams of his death in various ways; committing hara-kiri on a hillside, getting hit by a big rig, and he constantly sees a scary face that leaves him motionless. He wants to return to normal and will do anything to do so.

5.MINI CRISIS (P. 17): Brian sets his mind to recovering and becoming himself again and not be so passive. He seeks help from YUTA, 33, a specialist who performs ancient prayer as well as using modern technology to help him regain his thought processes.


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