The Return of Sarutobi the movie (Part 4)

  • by Brian Milam

13.ONE HOUR TURNING POINT (P. 60): Brian has more mind blowing epiphanies and can feel part of his soul return. He feels more whole and capable of understanding these new developments. 

14.BAD GUYS CLOSE IN (P. 60-75): Brian drives around San Jose and suddenly feels a strong intuition and urge to go to San Francisco. His right hand forms into the sign of Buddha’s Sword and shakes uncontrollably, but moves from right to left to give directions once in San Francisco. Brian unknowingly comes to a stop at the hillside he has seen in his dreams. He walks up the hill and performs ninja meditation. He then feels a super strong surge of energy course from his big toes shortly after, intertwining throughout his body and out his right ear. He hears in full audio in his head “Khaki Suit” by Damian Marley and he moves his arms in a hula-like motion to direct the Chi out his right ear. His arms are then pulled to the ground hard by an unseen and unknown force. It’s the Tengu. He can now hear “Check The Rhime” by A Tribe Called Quest and feels calm as he moves his arms like a raver with glow sticks in the sand. His mind becomes quiet, he rests his head on the sand and then hears a gentle man’s voice speak what sounds like a parable from the Bible. His last words are, “and God said,” Brian and the voice complete the sentence, “let there be light.” Brian then blacks out. When he regains consciousness, he is over 100 yards uphill, facedown and still feeling a strong force pulling on his lower extremities. He stands and struggles to lift his feet. The Tengu eventually let go from underground and he returns home. He has experienced a Kundalini Awakening and the rebirth of Sasuke Sarutobi.

15.THE BIG PIT (P. 75): Sarutobi constantly talks in Brian’s head and wants more control over physical actions which causes a clash between the two. 

16.HERO MELTS (P. 75-90): Sarutobi gains more power and makes Brian act out and say random and weird things. His brain is constantly racing and it’s hard to sleep. Friends and family are worried about this new person and personality. 

17.ROCKBOTTOM/END ACT 2 (P. 90): When Brian tries to tell his friend about Sarutobi and his experiences, his tongue rolls into the back of his throat. This scares him and wishes he never took the Opium Tea. 


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