The Return of Sarutobi the movie (Part 5)

  • by Brian Milam

18.EPIPHANY: Brian realizes that he is becoming one with Sarutobi and begins to study ninja meditation to create a stronger bond with him and be more attuned with the Universe.

19.CLIMAX: Brian performs Kuji-In (9 hand seals ninja meditation) and his body shakes uncontrollably. He goes to his computer to see if Sarutobi is trying to communicate with him, but nothing makes sense on the screen. His left hand shakes super fast and when he closes it, his right hand closes over it multiple times, which forms the last Kuji-In, Zen. He goes to his balcony and asks the Universe if he is Sasuke Sarutobi reincarnated, and at that exact moment a large meteor with bright tailing lights falls seemingly miles from his house. Brian takes this as confirmation and his tongue slowly rolls back into his throat. The Tengu return his soul.

20.NEW WORLD ORDER: Brian is more confident and feels complete again. He moves uniquely now when he shadowboxes. Brian and Sasuke Sarutobi are at peace with one another. His mind is now capable of going from racing to nothingness in an instant. 

21.CLOSING IMAGE: Brian sits cross-legged back on the hill meditating. Sasuke Sarutobi and the Tengu appear and they begin to dance and showcase their individual martial art forms. Sasuke Sarutobi names Brian, JUNTARO SARUTOBI.


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