Be on the lookout for new ninja gear to keep you looking fresh and like a trained assassin
Read moreThe Return of Sarutobi the movie (Part 5)
18.EPIPHANY: Brian realizes that he is becoming one with Sarutobi and begins to study ninja meditation to create a stronger bond with him and be more attuned with...
The Return of Sarutobi the movie (Part 4)
13.ONE HOUR TURNING POINT (P. 60): Brian has more mind blowing epiphanies and can feel part of his soul return. He feels more whole and capable of understanding...
The Return of Sarutobi the movie (Part 3)
6.BIG DEBATE PART 2 (P. 17-26): Brian barely has any energy to do anything, his mind is completely blank. His speech is still slow and performing simple tasks...
The Return of Sarutobi the movie (Part 2)
1.OPENING IMAGE (P. 1): BRIAN,26, and his girlfriend JESSICA,24, both English Teachers in Japan, vacation in Thailand. They drink heavily, eat weed brownies, sit on a hammock outside...
The Return of Sarutobi the movie (part 1)
The Return of Sarutobi the movie is based on the first 3 years of my Spiritual Journey and coming to know that Sasuke Sarutobi is an ancestor. By...
Sarutobi Ninja Meditation
My name is Brian and I’m the founder of Sarutobi ZE. 13 years ago I started my Spiritual Journey and found out the legendary ninja Sasuke Sarutobi is...
Sizes run a little big, which is a plus. Overall, good quality and super soft.
- Elle G.
Be legendary like Sasuke Sarutobi
More infoSarutobi ZE
May the ninja rise again
Sarutobi ZE is a clothing brand aimed to keep you looking fresh and feeling on point like a trained assassin. Please support and spread the word and help the ninja rise again.